Yoga with Reet
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Tunnid toimuvad Tartu Joogakeskuses, Kastani 38
Are available upon request. Please contact me for more information.
What Yoga means to me
Do you know that feeling when there is an urge inside you… the urge that you cannot resist.
You are trying to fool your mind and find all the activities you possibly can think of, but this feeling…it`s coming back at you.
It`s light and heavy at the same time, it`s everything and nothing, it`s everywhere, but also nowhere. That`s how I feel Yoga. It´s like Life, actually it is Life and living the life. It`s taking the present moment and making it the most fulfilled one, being connected with your feelings, thoughts and body.
Yoga is a journey, never ending journey within yourself. It´s learning how to listen yourself and trust yourself. Sometimes you need to sit and make the time to find the hearing in the stillness, sometimes you need to move yourself to find the flowing energy inside you and learn to tame it or flame it.
It`s practice, practicing every day everywhere you go in the way that uplifts you and others.
About Me
My yoga journey began with falling in love in beauty of Kundalini yoga. It grew gradually bigger with the dream of moving myself gracefully like a flowing dancer. Well, this part hasn`t fulfilled yet, but it`s not about the outcome, right?! It`s the process and it has been already more than 6 years since I first started meditating in my bedroom and discovered there are so many colours and sounds in the silence and being. And I fall in love in life every day since.
My asana practice has mainly been Hatha and Vinyasa based, but I try not to put myself in boundaries and go with the flow and explore my movements and body. During my first yogayears I mainly studied by myself through books, videos, podcasts, social media etc. In 2021 - 2022 we were doing long-term travelling with my family and it seemed the right time to live my dream and attend my first yogateacher training. I got my YTT200 certificate in Palomino, Colombia in February 2022 and right after that decided to share my passion in my hometown Tartu, Estonia.
My background is physiotherapist, specialized on shoulder girdle. After ten years enjoying helping people as a physio, I decided to change the career a little bit and discover and explore the health-care management world.
Some good reads to support your yoga journey

Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga`s Ethical Practice by Deborah Adele

Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm by Thich Nhat Hanh

Zen Mind, Beginner`s Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice by Shunryu Suzuki

The Art of Communicating by Thich Nhat Hanh
Contact me
for private classes or yoga classes for events
Or feel free to let me know your thoughts :)